Sunny Peace Prairie

Protecting wild & working lands in Southern Wisconsin.

Property Profile

Acreage: 75

Date Protected: 2018

Location: 2604 S Coon Island Rd, Orfordville, WI 53576

Ownership: Privately owned

Recreation: Public nature trails are groomed and open year round from dawn until dusk

Land Use: Public recreation, nature-based events programming & scientific research, conservation, & restoration

History and Ecology
Sunny Peace Prairie holds a unique history, it was destined to become a quarry site, but was rescued in 2004 by Norm and Carol Aulabaugh. Over the last two decades the Aulabaugh’s have embraced conservation and worked to restore the land back to it’s natural state. Dedicated to their yellow lab, Sunny, today it stands as public prairie for the community to visit and experience the restorative effects of nature. It features approximately 42 acres of dry prairie restoration, 10 acres of woods and around 23 acres of cropland.

Significant Habitat and Species
This property has become a haven for a diverse range of species. The Prairie is home to the Denker Tree, this is believed to be the third largest Shagbark Hickory in the state of Wisconsin, estimated to be 247 years old. In 2022 it was measured to have a circumference of 101.5 inches. Many animal and plant species find refuge at the Prairie. In addition the site is a registered Monarch Waystation, providing nectar sources, such as milkweeds, and shelter to support monarchs and other pollinators in the region.

Recreational and Educational Opportunities
Though privately owned, Sunny Peace Prairie offers unique opportunities for the public. It features public trails, and provides education, public events programming and training in conservation and ecosystem restoration. These resources contribute to community engagement and awareness of the region's natural heritage.

Future Use
The Prairie and its structures will begin to serve as a location for collaborative events for several other conservation organizations, including SWLC, the Lower Sugar River Watershed Association, the Applied Ecological Institute and the Lower Sugar River Field Station. The property will continue to be an natural space open to the public to enjoy

For more information about events happening at Sunny Peace Prairie, click here.

Additional Sunny Peace Prairie information, click here.

Sunny Peace Prairie trail map. (Coming Soon)